Perelman v. Perelman
Perelman v. Perelman , 2013 WL 5807358 It is not uncommon here in South Florida for cases to arise that center around disputes about where the decedent was domiciled at their death, given how many retirees move here at the end of their lives. This case centered around a will contest between a son, arguing that his mother was a domicile of Pennsylvania, and a husband, arguing that his wife was a domicile of Florida. The issue on appeal centered around whether the Florida trial court should have stayed the Florida proceeding under the principle of priority. The "principle of priority" is the idea that the court which first exercises its jurisdiction acquires exclusive jurisdiction to proceed with this case. It is not a mandatory principle, however absent extraordinary circumstances, it is an abuse of discretion to fail to respect the principle of priority. The Court explained that the exercise of jurisdiction by the foreign court will trigger priority...