In re Guardianship of Hawley

In re Guardianship of Hawley, 188 So.2d 882 (Fla. 2d DCA 2016), 2016 WL 66700

In this appeal, the Court reviewed a trial court order removing a trustee and limited guardian of the person of a ward.  The Court held that while the trial court had the authority to enter the order pursuant to F.S. 744.1075(4)(b), where it found that such action was necessary to protect the physical or mental healthy or property of the ward, upon the entering the order the court was also required to comply with F.S. 744.1075(4)(a), which requires the court to issue an order to show cause stating the essential facts constituting the conduct charged and requiring the respondent to appear before the court to show cause why the court should not take further action.


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