Hall v. Hall

Hall v. Hall, 190 So.3d 683 (Fla. 3d DCA 2016)

The Court took the opportunity in this decision to "reiterate a fundamental tenet of appellate advocacy."  Appellants attempted to appeal a probate court decision denying an undue influence claim and petition to revoke probate of a will and trust.  The probate court had heard the testimony of those present at the execution of the challenged documents and expert testimony regarding the decedent's medical records, and found that the challenged documents were properly executed, that they were prepared at the request of the decedent and that they were not procured by the appellee. Instead of simply PCAing the probate court's decision, the Court wrote this opinion, affirming the probate court's decision, and reminding appellants that in an appeal setting, the appellants are obligated to provide a statement of facts and to interpret the evidence in the light most favorable to sustaining the conclusions of the finder of fact.


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