Wilson v. Wilson
Wilson v. Wilson , --- So.3d --- (Fla. 4th DCA 2014), 2014 WL 2101226 This case involved a dispute between two parents over the disposition of their deceased son's ashes. They agreed to have their son cremated, but disagreed about where to bury the ashes. The father argued that the ashes were "property" under F.S. 731.201(32), and thus should be subject to partition among the decedent's heirs. The mother was opposed to having the ashes divided for religious reasons. The trial court ultimately found that the ashes were not "property" subject to partition, and gave the parents 30 days to decide how to dispose of the ashes. On appeal, the Court affirmed the trial court's holding that the ashes were not property under F.S. 731.201(32). In doing so, the Court reviewed how courts have treated ashes and deceased bodies over time. Blackstone wrote that bodies and ashes were not the property of an heir. English case law continued to express this vie