
For those of you stopping by from Rubin On Tax, I'd just like to say welcome to Rubin On Probate Lit. My goal is to provide estate and trust practitioners in Florida with a one stop guide to the latest and greatest in probate, estate and guardianship litigation.  Unlike other blogs in this area, I hope to provide my readers with up-to-date case and statutory updates, and I'd like to alleviate the need for my readers to have to look anywhere else for the latest news in this area.  If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them!

I can only hope to follow in my father's footsteps with his popular Rubin On Tax blog.  To learn about our firm and our practice, you can check out:  

Jenna  - http://www.floridatax.com/httpdocs/Atty%20Pages/Atty_RubinJ.html

Chuck - http://www.floridatax.com/httpdocs/Atty%20Pages/Atty_Rubin.html


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